Mission Statement

Our Mission:

Being a Title I School, the mission of Calhoun Academy of the Art is to educate students who are college and career-ready and will positively contribute to an ever-changing world by utilizing successful teaching strategies that integrate the arts through various resources.

Our Vision:

To promote academic success and lifelong learning for all students through an arts infused education


Developed January 2018

  • the school, parents and community stakeholders work as a team to meet their personal needs (food, home life, materials, resources, relationships, etc.)
  • they are provided a safe, nurturing and loving learning community where risk-taking is encouraged
  • they use higher order thinking skills and apply learning beyond the classroom
  • they have choices in instructional activities
  • their needs are met through small group instruction and differentiation
  • the instructional program fosters a love of learning and challenges students to be lifelong learners
  • the arts are integrated with the core curriculum
  • learning is active, engaging, innovative and student-centered
  • growth is expected and celebrated
  • diversity is valued and reflected in programs and priorities
  • they are guided by  knowledgeable, well prepared, and skilled adults with whom they have a positive relationship
  • teachers set high expectations for behavior and learning with minimal disruptions in the classroom
  • teachers make data driven decisions